
Website seo checker tool
Website seo checker tool

website seo checker tool

URL Structure - An SEO-friendly URL structure is easy to read, understand and follow, and tells a user or search engine exactly what is on the page just from the URL.A GZIP enabled server reduces the size of web pages, allowing them to load faster. Gzip Compression - GZIP compresses files prior to delivering them over the internet.A low text to HTML ratio can negatively affect user experience. Text/HTML Ratio - This is the percentage of actual text content found on your page versus the percentage of HTML.

website seo checker tool

Consistency makes it easier for search engines to understand what your webpage is about and also to crawl and index your site.

  • Keyword Consistency and Frequency and Usage - The keywords you want to rank for have to be both consistent, and properly spread out throughout the site.
  • Keywords Cloud - We'll help you gain a better understanding of the keywords used on each of your web pages, providing a visual image of keyword usage, density, and which words or phrases may have a higher volume.
  • Images with empty 'alt' tags won't be seen by search engines, so we'll identify them for you.
  • Image Alt Tags - The image alt tag explains what the picture is - search engines cannot crawl images, so the alt tag helps the search engine understand what the image is.
  • Our tool will tell you if you are missing crucial h1-h5 tags.

    website seo checker tool

  • Heading Tags - Heading tags are an important on-page SEO tool because they help further explain to the search engines what your page is about - header (H1) tags are the most important.
  • Missing title tags and missing meta descriptions can hold your site back.
  • Meta Tags (Title Tag, Meta Description and Meta Keywords) - Meta tags are essentially small snippets of text that tell a search engine what a web page is about.
  • Check your site against top SEO parameters/variables (Technical SEO) including: From checking backlinks, to ensuring images have the proper alt tags, and everything in between, our analysis tells you the most important things you need to know to improve your site's rankings. It will look for both on-page and off-page issues that may be holding you back. Our free website auditor checks your site against 56 SEO ranking factors. There is a lot that goes into building a good SEO profile, and our website analysis tool will check the most important ones.

    Website seo checker tool